1 Sweet Drink Daily

1 Sweet Drink Daily

Many of my siblings have Type 2 Diabetes and many of my maternal relatives, including my mom have died from Type 2 Diabetes. Obviously, Type 2 Diabetes is very close to my heart!

We have a one in three chance of receiving a Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis if we live 30 more years!

Did you know that the medical costs for someone suffering from Type 2 Diabetes are more than twice the cost of someone healthy?

Not only does diabetes hugely diminish our quality of life, but imagine what that many people with diabetes will do to Medical Insurance? Social Security? Life insurance? What a nightmare!

Discover why diabetes is epidemic, how it triggers numerous other diseases and why conventional methods do not treat the actual disease!

Increasing Rise in Diabetes

To reflect differing assumptions about how many people will develop diabetes, and how long they will live after developing the disease….The CDC report … from 1 in 3 to 1 in 5 [people] by 2050” ~ The Boston Herald

Right now, approximately 10% of adult Americans or 25 million people, have Type 2 Diabetes according to the CDC.

Pre-diabetics are only a moment away from a Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis! Statistically, diabetes and pre-diabetes is 25% of the American population!

Diabetes Triggers Other Diseases