1 Vitamin Solves Indigestion Issues

Tired of always feeling bloated or taking anti-acids? Worried about your gut? Annoyed with all the advice that didn’t help?

You are not alone, 80% of Americans suffer from some form of indigestion and that statistic seems to be rising each year!

Think about all the people you know who suffer from inflammation.

Did you know that indigestion is the precursor to inflammation?

What about all the people you know and love who have chronic pain? If you think for very long, you remember people you really care about who are suffering. Don’t you?

Do you want to help these people increase their quality of life?

Just tweaking our diet with ONE vitamin can absolutely do wonders!

The good news is that we can see optimum results in a short period of time.

Read on to discover the incredible benefits of how that one vitamin, drastically repairs gut issues!

Gut problems are way too common!  But it is especially annoying when people try to give advice on what to do: eat more fiber, increase prebiotics, switch to this brand. Unfortunately, with all these tips, Vitamin A is overshadowed or forgotten.

The amount of Vitamin A that we get from the food that we eat is essential to improve the functioning of our bodies.

Try Vitamin A!  You’ve nothing to lose!

1 Vitamin Solves Indigestion Issues

Why Vitamin A?

Undeniably, there are so many benefits people may get from Vitamin A.

Vitamin A is absolutely critical to our body’s development!

Benefits of Vitamin A include the following list.

  1. Immune System: Vitamin A is immensely helpful to our immune systems. It can do wonders for the tissues which protect us from pathogens that may harm our body.
  2. Bones: Vitamin A is critical to proper bone development.
  3. Stomach and Colon: Peptic ulcers, acid reflux and overall gastrointestinal issues. Vitamin A regenerates the cells lining our digestive tract.
  4. Eyesight: Vitamin A has helped people see more clearly in the dark. And in fact, this is the reason Vitamin A is most well-known. Vitamin A has long been used to help in cataracts, macular degeneration (AMD) and age related eye challenges.
  5. Cancers
  6. Cardiovascular
  7. Osteoarthritis:
  8. Skin: Psoriasis, eczema,
  9. Kidneys
  10. Reproductive organs: The lining of the reproductive organs has a significant role in fertility. They are covered by Vitamin A.

Vitamin A belongs to a family of compounds called retinoids.