15 Ways Keto Reduces Inflammation

Did you know that inflammation is believed to be the root cause of autoimmune diseases? That glucose feeds cancer cells?

Mostly people are talking about Keto’s amazing ability to help people lose weight extremely quickly! That is true! But Keto is so much more beneficial to sufferers of inflammation!

You are compassionate and care about your family and friends, don’t you? You especially want to help those with cancer and inflammation!

Inflammation can be serious and chronic! Keto can help manage chronic inflammation, improving symptoms and reducing the likelihood of more serious problems later on.

Keto Proven Beneficial to Cancer and Inflammation!

In this report discover 15 different ways that Keto can reduce inflammation and help any and every one of numerous horrible debilitating diseases!

15 Ways Keto Reduces Inflammation

The Ketogenic diet is one of the most popular diets being talked about today! Most people realize that Keto promises to help them lose weight quickly!

There are numerous blogs and forums dedicated to how and why we should be eating Keto! Losing weight is often linked with the Ketogenic diet. However, this is not the only potential benefit of Keto, it is also an excellent tool for reducing inflammation!

Got Autoimmune? Arthritis? Asthma? Alzheimer’s? Try Keto!

The anti-inflammatory properties of the Keto diet can also help with less serious acute inflammation, which is a natural part of our body’s healing process.

Inflammation can be acute or chronic. Inflammation happens when fluids are sent to certain parts of the body to deal with a perceived problem.

This is most obvious with scrapes and bruises on the skin, which swell slightly as more fluids are sent to the area to assist in the healing process. Short term, acute inflammation is part of the body’s natural healing process, and while it can be uncomfortable, it is not really concerning.

While inflammation is a good thing, excessive inflammation can slow down the recovery process. Sporting injuries can lead to inflamed muscles or joints.

Chemicals or other foreign agents entering the body can lead to inflamed organs.

Keto reduces inflammation and helps us recover more rapidly.

Chronic inflammation, unlike acute short-term inflammation is very dangerous to our health. This occurs when our healing system becomes overly hyped up, leaving parts of our bodies in a constant state of inflammation.

Long-term inflammation can damage our organs, and leave us more prone to non-infectious diseases, such as cancer!

Conditions such as asthma, allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disorders and Alzheimer’s disease have all been linked with inflammation!

  1. Low in Processed Meats

When on Keto, we eat grass fed organic meat, and avoid processed meat, which is a major culprit when it comes to inflammation. Processed meats are known to elevate our production of the highly sensitive C reactive protein Hs CRP, which can cause inflammation.

Measurement of this protein is often used to indicate risk of heart disease.

Processed meats also have high amounts of chemical preservatives in general. These can irritate our internal organs, triggering an inflammatory response. Avoid Hs CRP and avoid toxic chemicals in preservatives by eating a Keto.

  1. Low in Refined Carbohydrates

The key to the Keto diet is to severely restrict carbohydrate intake and force the body to burn other fuels for energy. Ideally, we should be eating less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.

When we start on Keto we dramatically decrease the number of refined carbohydrates that we are eating, which are generally found in white starchy foods such as bread and pasta. Refined carbohydrates, when broken down by the body, cause a type of glucose that is known to cause inflammation.

Therefore, minimizing our intake of these carbs prevents this type of inflammation.

  1. Low in High Glycemic Foods

High glycemic foods are generally high in refined sugars, which when digested produces cytokines, which are another culprit when it comes to inflammation.

Refined sugar is high in carbohydrates. But these foods are avoided on the Ketogenic diet. Most carbohydrates eaten on Keto are the healthy carbs found in green vegetables.

  1. Low in Processed Fats

The Ketogenic diet is all about fat. The idea is to starve the body of carbohydrates so that it stops burning carbs for energy, and instead burns fats. Burning fat or ketones can be found both in the fat in food we eat, as well as in stored fat.

The goal on Keto is to get 60% of our daily calories from fats. This could lead us to believe that the Keto diet is high in hydrogenated processed fats, which are another cause of inflammation.

However, with so many of our calories coming from fats, on Keto we need to prioritize healthy, natural fats, and in fact avoid the hydrogenated processed fats. A few of the great fats are coconut oil, avocadoes, olive oil, ghee and grass fed butter.

  1. Sustains Ketosis

When our bodies process carbohydrates they produce glucose, which we then use to power our bodies. Glucose is high in oxygen and can cause inflammation.

On Keto and our body is starved of carbohydrates, and process fats for energy. Rather than producing glucose, this produces ketones.

This state of powering our bodies from ketones is known as ketosis.

Ketones are low in oxygen and protect against inflammation. The details regarding ketosis are the subject of much cancer research and the reason Keto has very positive results for cancer patients.

  1. Regulate the Production of Adenosine

Adenosine is a natural chemical produced by the body that fights inflammation. Adenosine is active and multiplies when fuel from food is in short supply and suppressed when energy is plentiful.

Consequently, a calorie deficit Ketogenic diet causes adenosine to multiply, increasing the inflammation fighting power of this chemical.

  1. Inhibit Inflammatory Pathways

Inflammation occurs through elaborate inflammatory pathways. These pathways require constant regulation and maintenance.

Glucose acts as a lubricant for these pathways, allowing inflammatory agents to travel around the body. The reduction of glucose in our bodies on the Ketogenic diet inhibits the activity of these pathways.

  1. Low in Gut Irritating Legumes

Legumes are well known gut irritants because they contain lectins, which carry inflammatory compounds.

Keto recommends excluding all legumes in order to minimize the lectins in our system as well as decrease carbohydrates.

Many legumes are high in carbs. When people experience allergy like symptoms after consuming legumes like lentils or any type of peas or beans, it would be good to take a close look at Keto’s positive effects!

  1. Blocks Glucose Metabolism

We have already seen how glucose can lead to inflammation by lubricating inflammation pathways.

Glucose is also high in oxygen, which can exacerbate inflammation.

Worst of all is the glucose from refined sugars!

On Keto, our bodies do not have enough carbohydrates to produce sufficient glucose to power our bodies. Therefore, our bodies burn fat for ketones instead. On Keto, there is less inflammatory glucose in our systems!

  1. Increased Turmeric Intake

Turmeric is one of the foods recommended on the Ketogenic diet. It is recommended as an addition to many Keto meals.

Turmeric is well known for its strong anti-inflammatory powers.

It is also an incredibly powerful brain food!

  1. Increased Ginger Root Intake

The Ketogenic diet also recommends adding ginger root to a lot of meals.

Ginger root is known to inhibit genes that contribute to our body’s inflammatory response. This suppression allows our bodies to better regulate the biochemical pathways that become active during chronic inflammation.

Asian foods tend to use more ginger in their recipes, however a ginger drink with a bit of sweetener is excellent hot or cold.

  1. High in Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Fatty fish is another cornerstone of the Ketogenic diet as it has zero carbs, a moderate amount of protein and is high in healthy fats.

Fatty fish is full of Omega 3, which is another highly anti-inflammatory compound and is another powerful brain food!

  1. High in Monounsaturated Fats

Nuts, with their high healthy fat content, are a staple on the Ketogenic diet. Nuts contain monounsaturated fats, which again are a common anti-inflammatory food compound.

  1. High in Antioxidant Compounds

Oxidative stress causes inflammation. Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, but are highly restricted on Keto.

Consequently, there is much concern that on Keto we will not get the antioxidants that we need. Not a problem!

One of the most potent antioxidants is an amino acid called glutathione, which the body requires and makes from the sulfur containing amino acids in proteins.

Fresh unprocessed meats, cheeses and nuts are all high in this specific amino acid.  All three of these are also high on the list of foods to eat while on Keto!

  1. Low in Gluten

Gluten is not only a problem for those with celiac disease. Excessive gluten can be a gut irritant to anyone.

Gluten can cause inflammation that damages the digestive tract. Gluten is found in wheat products, which are also high in carbohydrates, and therefore off the menu on Keto!

Keto Reduces Inflammation

Reducing inflammation can bring significant improvement to the life of anyone suffering from conditions linked with chronic inflammation, such as cancer, asthma, arthritis or autoimmune diseases.

Keto can also help reduce more acute forms of inflammation. While most acute inflammation is part of the body’s natural healing process, prolonged acute inflammation of the muscles is detrimental to our health.

Following an anti-inflammatory diet, like Keto, can help improve muscle recovery, decreased joint pain, faster brain function and increased energy levels!



https://www.tasteaholics.com/news/how-the-keto diet-is-anti-inflammatory-15978/


https://blog.paleohacks.com/brain-inflammation-keto diet/