20 Great Brain Foods

Are you committed to living a healthy lifestyle overall?

Do you want to stay in control of your mental faculties?

Me too! We like our brains!

We like them to function well! Did you know that the way we eat can drastically affect how our brains function? Our brains need food too!

I challenge you to take a test online measuring the speed of your brain!

After eating these brain foods for only 30 days, retest the speed of your brain and discover an astonishing difference!

In this report, discover 20 great brain foods, food your brain will love you for! Food that will cause your brain to function faster and with better memory!

20 Great Brain Foods

Do you make food choices based on strengthening specific parts of your body? Most of us are choosing what to consume based on what we want to achieve.

Some of us eat to nourish our hearts while others eat to nourish our skeletal muscles. However, the brain seems to be the forgotten organ.

Are we eating for our brains as much as we could? This article looks at twenty great brain foods and how they work.

  1. Fatty Fish

Fish are a renowned superfood in their own right. This is more with fatty fish. Unlike, their red-meat counterparts, fatty fish are healthy and generally regarded for their awesome nutritional benefits.

Fatty fish contain substantial amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for brain development. Throughout a person’s life, from the fetal stage of development to adulthood, Omega-3 strengthens brain activity.

These fatty acids are essential in the development of various cognitive functions, reduce the risk of degenerative mental diseases, improve mental health, and reduce the likelihood of depression and anxiety.

Examples of fatty fish include wild salmon, tilapia and tuna.

  1. Coffee

Coffee lovers will confess that coffee is not just a drink for them but more of a subtle social experience!

Most people are unaware that coffee is great for the brain!

My brain sure thinks so!

Coffee intake at regular intervals has been associated with strengthening the brain’s learning synapses by creating an electrical jolt that keeps a person alert.

It also boosts energy levels and has a cardiovascular function! Bring on the coffee!

  1. Berries

Berries contain deep colored skins that are rich in anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Antioxidants are very protective of the brain and prevent damage from free radicals in the body. The accumulation of anti-oxidants prevents oxidative stress and inflammation of brain cells.

Common berries with these properties include strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.

  1. Turmeric