5 Best Water Combos to Heal Diseases

Know anyone with excruciating indigestion?

Ever felt helpless watching someone in pain and not knowing how to help?

It is extremely hard watching someone we love suffer! Like me, you want to help, don’t you?

I remember before I was 10 years old watching my sister seriously injure herself. My thought was, “It wouldn’t hurt as much if it were me.”

At the time I didn’t know how to articulate the emotional pain of watching a loved one suffer. It is SO real!

When indigestion strikes, the first thing that might cross our minds is to go to our medicine cabinet to look for a synthetic tablet that will solve our woes. Although this is a common practice among many people, it is not advised by doctors.

Thankfully, we can solve all our troubles without leaving the comfort of our home. Remember the weird concoction that maybe our grandparent made us years ago? Well, those will come in handy now!

If you want to know how to turn a simple ingredient into a cure with just a splash of water, keep on reading!

5 Best Water Combos to Heal Diseases

  1. Hot Water

Yes, that’s right. Although a cup of warm water may not be as appealing to many compared to a glass of cold water, if we have digestive problems it can definitely help!

A cup of warm water can soothe our stomach by improving the ability of our small intestines to process the food we have eaten.  Often the indigestion is caused simply by our body’s challenge to process the food.

  1. Lemon

Undeniably, lemon has tons of benefits! If we have an irritated stomach, all we need to do is squeeze the juice of one lemon into a cup of hot water.

Indigestion is often caused by too much acid in our stomach. It is like our stomach is working overtime to process the food we’ve eaten.

Lemon is an excellent ingredient to alkalize our stomach, it does wonders to bring our pH level back to normal. Just like other citrus fruits, it can also help with free radical damage.

  1. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile has been used for ages as a cure for many health issues. Not only is chamomile tea relaxing, it can also help with stomach problems since it calms the body from the inside out.

To make this tea, all we need is some dried Chamomile flowers or a tea bag. Thanks to the flavonoids and terpenoids in Chamomile, this fantastic ingredient can help with gas, flatulence and bloating.  But Chamomile can also help with gastrointestinal problems such as nausea, constipation, irritable bowels and diarrhea.

Used as a relaxant for centuries, this tea also relieves muscle tension and even anxiety. If we are having trouble sleeping, drinking this tea is also recommended. Aside from all its benefits for digestive issues, it can also cure fever, colic, and croup in children.

To make this multipurpose tea, just steep dried Chamomile in a cup of hot water for approximately 5-10 minutes. Add honey or any sweetener to adjust the taste if desired. It is recommended to drink 1-4 cups of Chamomile each day.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the must-have condiments in anyone’s kitchen is apple cider vinegar because it offers a variety of benefits!

One significant benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar is treating digestive problems. By just adding water to any type of the vinegar which has “the mother,” ie. the floating substance in the bottle, we can make a tonic.

It is essential to only use apple cider vinegar with “the mother” because this indicates that it was naturally fermented and still contains the bacteria and yeast that we need for indigestion. Apple cider can bring back the natural pH of our stomach and block harmful bacteria.

Many people have also practiced taking a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar a day to maintain the healthy state of their digestive system.

Studies have proven that taking organic apple cider vinegar can significantly help with heartburn for around an hour.

  1. Baking Soda

Although it might seem weird, the purpose of baking soda is not just limited to baking. Sodium bicarbonate is considered a natural antacid. Our pancreas even produces sodium bicarbonate for our intestines.