5 Foods to Trigger Weight Loss & 5 Ways to Eat More

How many diets have you been on, only discover the latest fad does not live up to its promises?

It feels like every month there is a new diet fad that promises to help us lose weight fast and easy.

There are foods to bind fat, tonics to detox, or food combinations that promise to boost our metabolism to super slimming levels.

While many people lose weight quickly on these diets, most of them find that they also just as quickly, or even faster, pile the weight back on!  Is this you?

Are you someone who really wants to lose weight and keep it off….indefinitely?

Usually these fad diets are not sustainable long term.

In this report, discover weight loss principles that are sustainable and maintainable!

5 Foods to Trigger Weight Loss & 5 Ways to Eat More

A better, more lasting approach toward weigh loss is not to look for the latest fad diet, but rather to go back to foods that are as close to natural as possible, whole foods!

Common Food Additives

Much of the food that we buy today has been heavily processed and transformed. Our food in general, has decreasing amounts of nutrients and increasing calories for these three overarching reasons.

  1. Nutrients are removed and replaced with chemicals to change the taste.
  2. Colorants are added for aesthetics.
  3. Preservatives are added to ensure the food will last through the time it takes to ship, sell and store that food. A long time!

This leaves us gaining weight as we consume too many calories. However, we are starving in other ways, because we do not get the nutrients that we need for our bodies to function properly.

But what exactly are whole foods?  Are there simple ways to start including more whole foods in our diet?

What are Whole Foods

When we talk about whole foods, we are talking about foods that have not gone through another process, but are fundamentally as nature intended.

This means that whole foods contain the basic balance of calories and nutrients that they had originally!

As a result of eating whole foods, we eat less food and feel better.