5 Summary Secrets and 5 Secret Codes

Do you feel inundated by all the research on nutrition?

Overwhelmed? Want 5 simple summarizing secrets?

How many choices have you made to pursue really good health and nutrition?

Our numerous decisions to eat the apple instead of the brownie, to exercise when we don’t feel like it, and our willingness to sift through the mountains of info show our commitment! Right?

ALL of this shows how much we really want to be healthy! 

In this report, find five summary secrets to great nutrition.

As a bonus detect five secret codes, a nutrition language, and what they mean!

5 Summary Secrets and 5 Secret Codes

The verdict is in, we are all now aware of how important it is to maintain a healthy diet. We know that we should be avoiding junk foods that are filled with fats, carbohydrates, chemicals and calories, and that we should be eating the right variety of food to get all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that we need.

However, knowing and doing can be two different things!

Actually, coming to grips with what we should and should not be eating and why is challenging, let alone understanding the unique language that nutritionists speak!

For those of us who know that we would like to make some changes to start eating healthy but do not know where to start, we have come up with a list of five easy to follow but effective tips to get us started. These will help us vary the foods that we eat every day, and therefore increase the range of nutrients that we are getting from our diet.

We have also come up with a glossary of some of the most important terms that come up when talking nutrition so that we can all join in on the conversation.

5 Summary Secrets

  1. Three Different Colors per Day

We all know the importance of eating vegetables in order to get the different nutrients, vitamins and minerals that we need. However, eating the same three vegetables every day may mean that we are still missing out on some essentials.