6 Reasons Berries are Super!
How often do you hear of someone who has just been diagnosed with the big “C” word? Do you ever fear a cancer diagnosis yourself?
You are not alone!
Sometimes the fear of cancer paralyzes people into the proverbial ostrich, “putting our head in the sand”!
Discover in this report, how some of the tiniest fruit can actually help us avoid not only colds, but actually minimize cancer risk! Discover how berries help with overeating, blood pressure and a plethora of diseases attacking our bodies today.
6 Reasons Berries are Super!
Berries carry an abundance of benefits to our bodies! They are one of the most nutritious forms of sweetening our diets! Consider adding berries to salads, oatmeal, and even casseroles!
Do you sometimes, like me, wish that these frail little fruit, were in season much more often? How often could you eat fresh berries? I could literally eat them every single day! Frozen unsweetened is my second option, but not near as good as fresh!
- More Antioxidants to Fight Disease
Antioxidants are vital to our health. We can find these nutrients in vegetables and fruits. Organic berries have antioxidants that help prevent cancer.
Blueberries contain large quantities of pterostilbene. Pterostilbene is a potent antioxidant! Therefore, pterostilbene plays a major role in fighting off cancer according to a study done in the United States.
Eating berries is one way to protect ourselves from cancer, heart disease, and blindness. Berries have an abundant supply of antioxidants. If we prefer to consume berries with more antioxidants, blueberries are excellent.
- Minimize Cancer Risk
Blackberries and raspberries contain ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is a phytochemical that is beneficial in preventing cancer.
- Enhance Vitamin Absorption
Studies claim that consuming strawberries a day helps in the circulation of the arteries. Individuals who eat one serving of strawberries on a daily basis acquire higher blood levels of the foliate in Vitamin B. One cup of organic strawberries contains approximately a day’s worth of Vitamin C.
- Decrease Overeating
Berries help us feel satiated. Decreasing the quantity of our consumption means reducing our expenses. Berries control our appetite which junk food triggers.
- Potassium Controls Blood Pressure
Potassium is beneficial in controlling our blood pressure. Currants are a great source of this potassium. Gooseberries ensure we have a variety of minerals.
- Enhanced Nutrition
Adding organic berries to our diet will enhance our quality of life. The benefit it gives us is exemplary, making it one of the healthiest foods on earth. It gives us extra nutrition to help our immune system battle diseases and ailments. It also lowers our blood pressure and reduces the development of aging.
References: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-eating/organic-foods.htm