7 Tips to Avoid Cravings

Discover as you run out the door in the morning that there’s no food in the frig?

Find yourself stopping at the grocery store on your way home from work?

If you’re like me, that’s the worst time! I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!

The sad part is that we really want to eat healthy, don’t you?

I’m committed, becoming increasingly knowledgeable and trying to schedule and budget to make it happen!

Say that aloud five times and you’ll believe it more!

Discover in this report seven tips to avoid cravings and actually accomplish our objectives!

7 Tips to Avoid Cravings

  1. Keep Healthy, Convenient Food on Hand

Keeping fruits as your healthy option will satisfy the proper nutrition needed by our body, instead of eating junk food. Another great junk food substitute is to have small bags of nuts handy to grab for a snack or lunch as we run out the door.

Instead of stopping at a fast food drive-thru on our way home, prepare some dishes ahead of time. When making your favorite dish, make extra for another meal. Put the meal in the freezer ready to bake as soon as you arrive home. This meal is great when we have less time to prepare and would be tempted to eat less healthy.

  1. Avoid Getting Too Hungry

Eat on time. Avoid taking too much time in between meals. Plan meals ahead and be wise in food choices. Be consistent with meal time to avoid starvation.

Again, it is helpful to have small healthy snacks available to tide us over until our meal is ready. Snacks might be a small apple, a cheese stick, a bit of jerky, a boiled egg, etc.

  1. Have Substitutes for Your Biggest Temptations

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