8 Tips to Mitigate Keto Flu

Tried Keto and Felt Awful?

That’s right! Have you tried doing the Ketogenic diet and felt horrible? Most people give up after a day or two or a weeks-worth of bathroom visits!

However, the side effects, though at first unpleasant, only last for a short time and the benefits are so worth the effort!

Instead of prematurely abandoning Keto, try these mitigating strategies to see your dreams become reality!

Whether you are challenged with inflammation, chronic pain, cancer, diabetic conditions and/or weight gain, Keto is right for you!

Don’t be the person who suffers all the challenges of Keto, without arriving on the other side and start to enjoy the benefits!

8 Tips to Mitigate Keto Flu

Train your Body for Keto

The Keto diet is now a well-known way to lose weight effectively and quickly. But Keto is also well-known in that it can have some nasty side effects, including the now infamous ‘Keto Flu’ and some rather unpleasant experiences in the bathroom. These side effects are over within the first few weeks.

There is no question that adapting to Keto is challenging, but there are things that you can do to minimize the discomfort.

The first step is to know what to expect in the early stages of a Ketogenic diet so that we are not caught off guard by the unexpected.

The next step is to put in place mitigating strategies to minimize the side effects!

Make the process of ketosis as seamless as possible!

Beginning Ketosis

The Ketogenic diet is famous for its ability to jump-start us in losing weight fast and effectively!

However, the Keto flu can be hard on our body. Physical discomfort happens to varying degrees for different bodies. Our bodies adjust to different food sources and process in different ways. There are things that we can do to minimize the unpleasant side effects that occur at the start of a Keto diet.

Let’s take a look at the Keto diet, how it works, and why it can cause our bodies to act strangely in the first few weeks. Then let’s talk about some of the things that we can do to mitigate the negative side effects of adapting to Keto.

What is the Keto Diet?

The Keto diet is a calorie deficit diet in which the dieter also needs to restrict their carbohydrate intake, from the average of 100-150 grams per day to less than 50 grams, and get 60% of their daily calories from fats. Balancing the diet in this way does two things. First, it decreases cravings and increases energy, making it easier for dieters to stick to their calorie deficit. Secondly, it changes the way that the body produces energy.

In general, the body produces energy by burning carbohydrates to make glucose, which it then uses to fuel itself. With the body starved of carbohydrates, on the Keto diet the body must turn to stored fat for energy, breaking this down into ketones, which the body can also use as energy. This alternative metabolic process is known as ketosis. This is one of the main ways that the Keto diet helps us lose excess weight quickly.

Keto side-effects and how to treat them

As our body adapts to the absence of carbohydrate reserves and using ketones as a source of energy, the body can suffer in a number of ways, though this usually passes within one to two weeks.

The most commonly reported, and worst, side effects of starting a Keto diet are digestive issues, mental fogginess, decreased physical performance also known as ‘Keto flu’. While none of these symptoms can be avoided entirely, there are things that we can do to decrease their severity and make the first few weeks of our Keto diet more pleasant.

Digestive Issues

Some Keto dieters in the first few weeks, experience constipation, or diarrhea, or toggle between the two.

Diarrhea is not caused by excess meat and fat in your new diet, but is rather caused by the process of your body expelling excess water that it has been retaining.

Constipation is often a result of reduced fiber in our new diet and can be mitigated by eating more vegetables because they are high in fiber.