Essiac Shrinks Tumors –  a Tea!

Have you postpone getting tests to see if you have cancer?

Do you live in terror of a diagnosis?

Someone in my immediate family was terrified of a diagnosis. Because of their terror, they did not go to the doctor in a timely manner, and thus were too far to get the help that could have made such a difference.

You hear that and feel bad and you don’t even know them. But you know other people….and you love them, right? What would you be willing to do to help them?

If you know anyone like my family and you love them, encourage them to do the simple things now. Begin by reading some of these reports and drinking tea!

Hmmm, think about it…

Compare the ravages of radiation and chemo, with the difficulty of drinking tea?

Worth it? Oh, yeah! Especially when you see the research behind it!

Essiac Shrinks Tumors –  a Tea!

Many people pass away due to cancer. In fact, it is America’s second leading cause of death next to heart disease. Each year, researchers spend billions of dollars in researching cures for cancer.

Pharmaceutical drugs, chemotherapy, and radiation are the most common medical treatment in the world today. However, these treatments leave cancer patients susceptible to illnesses and infections.

The side effects from these drugs and treatments can be very debilitating!

Many people suffering with cancer choose to forego the treatment and meds in exchange for a more natural treatment method. However, natural treatments are usually not covered by any medical insurance or government subsidy and can be astronomically expensive.

Researchers insist that there is no treatment for cancer.  Traditional herbalists claim otherwise.  The wonder drink is called Essiac tea, and it has been in used by people for centuries. According to cancer survivors and even physicians, it works amazingly.

History of Name of Essiac Tea

Essiac tea is a Native American recipe made up of various herbs and plants. Initially, it was referred to as the Ojibwa Tea of Life.

The mixture was first made by a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse. She used this combination of herbs and plants to heal her cancer patients in the 1920’s.

Caisse spent several years refining it through her clinical study with Dr. Charles Brusch. Dr. Brusch was Pres. J.F. Kennedy’s doctor. Dr. Brusch and Rene Caisse understood that Essiac tea had amazing healing abilities. Caisse’s patients were strengthened and some conquered their illness.

Caisse found was that the specific blend of bark, roots, and leaves from the tea did five things.

Benefits of Essiac Tea

  1. Reestablished the body’s natural defense system
  2. Enabled the body to efficiently eliminate wastes and dangerous toxins.
  3. Encouraged cell repair and regeneration
  4. Fostered vitality
  5. Slowly over time it helped the body conquer cancer.