Insulin, Adrenals, Thyroid and Cannabis

Have you watched someone with a diabetic diagnosis slowly slide downhill?

First, be careful! Second, take these meds. Third, you’ll need insulin injections. Fourth, dialysis. Fifth, blindness or amputations! Heart breaking for everyone!

What if a simple clean plant leaf could change everything? What if 2 drops morning and evening could alter someone’s future?

In this report, discover the amazing impact of cannabis on the Endocannabinoid System involving all the hormones in our body, especially its impact on diabetes!

Insulin, Adrenals, Thyroid and Cannabis

The human body is a highly complex conglomeration of a myriad of different kinds of cells and tissues that are in constant communication with each other.

Complex Communication System

There are two primary ways that our bodies communication with the rest of our body. 1. One is through the millions of nerve cells crisscrossing every single inch of our body, forming the nervous system.

  1. Another way our tissues communicate with each other is a four-step process.
  2. A) The secretion of highly complex biochemically active molecules.
  3. B) These molecules act on specific receptors of the target tissues.
  4. C) This produces a set of specific and complex physiological and biochemical responses.
  5. D) These responses act to maintain the normal and optimum functions of the body.

This communication system is called the endocrine system.  These messenger molecules are known as hormones.

Hormone Purposes

Hormones serve a wide range of purposes in our body. The two main purposes of our hormones are regulation and optimization.

  1. Hormones regulate the growth and development of different tissues
  2. Hormones modulate and optimize our immune system.

When there is an imbalance in the hormones circulating through our body, we encounter a number of problems.

These problems range from irritability and hot flushes to major ailments like the development of diabetes, growth retardation and even sudden cardiac death!