Marijuana vs CBD and Opiate Addictions

When eating corn on the cob have you wondered how similar it is to smoking a corncob pipe? They are both corn cobs!

Me neither!

Are you someone who smoked pot and loves the high? Or are you someone that has been totally against cannabis and ‘medical marijuana’ because you thought it was just an excuse for everyone to legally run around ‘high’ all the time?

Regardless of your past experiences and biases regarding marijuana, CBD is completely different! CBD and marijuana are that different, as different as eating corn on the cob or smoking a corncob pipe!

It is fascinating that all of the functions and effects of CBD, not one is associated with any psychotropic effect! Nothing in CBD will cause that typical ‘high’ that occurs during the smoking of marijuana. CBD will not produce that characteristic ‘high’ that is so commonly attributed to the Cannabis plant.

Are you someone that cares about others? Do you care about people in severe pain?

Can someone become addicted to CBD? How does CBD help severe pain?

In this report, discover the real answers how you can help people!

Marijuana vs CBD and Opiate Addictions

Common View of Cannabis

Historically, questions have constantly been raised regarding the addictive properties of cannabis and anything related to it, both from a medical as well as social perspective.

Popular rhetoric revolves around cannabis and products derived from it. Is it a ‘gateway drug’? Is it a substance that can lead n user to getting into ‘harder’ drugs like cocaine or methamphetamine?

A surprising number of people hold this view today. However, that view has been demonstratively proven to be false!

However, medical research over the last few years has suggested something entirely different than CBD as a ‘gateway’ addictive drug!

Cannabis and its derivatives can actually help us fight against one of the most prevalent and worrisome addiction epidemics in the world – opioids.

What are Opioids?

Opioids are molecules that mimic the effect of opium. This class of pharmacological molecules, drugs, not only consist of opioid analgesics or pain medications, but also more dangerous psychoactive drugs like morphine or heroin.

Prescriptions for opioid medications are at an all-time high!  The main motivation and driver for this is pain management!

People in severe pain are willing to do almost anything to alleviate that pain!